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Angello Podcast: A discussion on development through Education

Our latest podcast features Sebastian Vaduva, an American entrepreneur with extensive international experience in marketing and sales. After his entrepreneurial success he then turned to academia, and has held multiple prestigious positions; including being the youngest International Business and Marketing professor at University of Akron and being recruited by the Fullbright commission as an international MBA Program Director. In 2005 he became Dean of the Griffiths School of Management and IT, and he is now acting Director.

Sebastian spoke to us about his experience returning to Romania, and the link between education and economic development. He spends much of his time working in the Romanian IT sector where he trains, mentors and coaches companies in talent development. It is clear that he sees education as a very powerful tool, and he is driven to motivate and equip people. He makes a very compelling case for Economic development through education.

He cites the 3.5% rule, which states that if this proportion of the population start to think and act differently, then things can start to change. This is critical, and demonstrates how education in developing nations will create leaders who can facilitate positive change and development on a local level.

If you would like to learn more about this topic, you can listen here!

The Angello Tribe have had the pleasure of speaking with many business professionals who care deeply about people in business! Listen to the other episodes to learn from our amazing guests!


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